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OBVProt vs Kolagēns: Mīts un Realitāte Uztura Pasaulē

OBVProt vs Kolagēns: Mīts un Realitāte Uztura P...

Kolagēns ir kļuvis par vienu no populārākajiem uztura bagātinātājiem pēdējos gados, solot brīnumainas ādas, matu un locītavu veselības uzlabošanas iespējas. Taču ir svarīgi saprast, ka kolagēna patērēšana tiešā veidā ne...

OBVProt vs Kolagēns: Mīts un Realitāte Uztura P...

Kolagēns ir kļuvis par vienu no populārākajiem uztura bagātinātājiem pēdējos gados, solot brīnumainas ādas, matu un locītavu veselības uzlabošanas iespējas. Taču ir svarīgi saprast, ka kolagēna patērēšana tiešā veidā ne...

Zarnu trakts un āda

Intestinal tract and skin

In microbiome research, the term axis (eng – axis) is used, as a designation that connects the microbiome with a specific part of the body and between them is determined...

Intestinal tract and skin

In microbiome research, the term axis (eng – axis) is used, as a designation that connects the microbiome with a specific part of the body and between them is determined...

PreImmu iedarbība ar zinātniskām atsaucēm

PreImmu exposure with scientific references

References: 1. Corinne L. Bush, Jeffrey B. Blumberg, Ahmed El-Sohemy, Deanna M. Minich, Jóse M. Ordovás, Dana G. Reed & Victoria A. Yunez Behm (2020) Toward the Definition of Personalized...

PreImmu exposure with scientific references

References: 1. Corinne L. Bush, Jeffrey B. Blumberg, Ahmed El-Sohemy, Deanna M. Minich, Jóse M. Ordovás, Dana G. Reed & Victoria A. Yunez Behm (2020) Toward the Definition of Personalized...

Cukurs - kā tas ietekmē Tavu pašsajūtu?

Sugar - how does it affect your well-being?

By consuming sugar, you feed the bad bacteria of your microbiome. They, in turn, affect your well-being and health in unimaginable ways. How to? Read on!

Sugar - how does it affect your well-being?

By consuming sugar, you feed the bad bacteria of your microbiome. They, in turn, affect your well-being and health in unimaginable ways. How to? Read on!

Kā imūnsistēmu ietekmē tas, ko tu ēd

How what you eat affects the immune system

Summary 70%-80% of immune cells are located in the intestinal tract; on average 1.5 - 2 kg of bacteria live in the intestinal tract; intestinal microbiota can be described as...

How what you eat affects the immune system

Summary 70%-80% of immune cells are located in the intestinal tract; on average 1.5 - 2 kg of bacteria live in the intestinal tract; intestinal microbiota can be described as...