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Preimmu |Prebiotic fiber

Preimmu |Prebiotic fiber

  • Strengthens immunity
  • Improves skin health
  • Relieves flatulence
  • Reduces sugar cravings
  • Helps prevent indigestion
  • Free delivery over €50
  • 2-5 day delivery throughout Latvia

Par produktu

PREBIOTICS – from the Greek Pre- for, Bios- life, respectively, food for good bacteria.It is based on soluble, easily soluble fiber (galacto -oligosaccharide) with a sweet taste, without calories. 

How Preimmu helps you?

  • Reduces sugar cravings;
  • Improves skin health;
  • Promotes gastrointestinal function;
  • Helps reduce symptoms of lactose intolerance and improves lactose digestion;
  • Indispensable helper in cases of stomach virus;
  • Regulates stomach outlet;
  • Improves physical and mental well-being;
  • Improves absorption of mineral substances.
  • Strengthens Immunity


Preimmu 's only ingredient is galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), which ensure the growth of good intestinal bacteria.

Powder is white, with a sweet taste and heat resistant so it can be added to any hot or cold drink.

How to use?

Daily recommended dose: Galacto-oligosaccharide powder 10.5 g in three sachets

Recommended to be taken orally 1 to 3 times a day, as an additional source of fiber** , adding the contents of the packet to a drink* or food.

6-12 y.o. – 1 packet once a day.

From 12 years old. and for adults 1 packet 1-3 times a day.

* the contents of the packet can be safely added to a hot drink - coffee, tea, etc. The raw material used in PreImmu is thermostable.

** when using 2-3 packets per day.

The amount of fiber per day in the recommended dose: 7.35 g in 3 packets


in Latvia

Free delivery on Omniva and Venipak parcel orders over €50!
Delivery time: 2-5 working days


Free delivery to Omniva parcels for orders over €50!
Delivery time: 2-5 working days

in Europe

Free delivery for orders over €100!
Delivery time: 2-14 working days*

Elsewhere in the world

Free delivery for orders over €100!
Delivery time: 2-30 days*

* The delivery time depends on the chosen supplier. You will find out more precise information in the order processing step.

Fast and safe delivery is ensured by:
DHL Omniva  Venipak
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After using Preimma for a month, I really don't crave sweets anymore. Giving up coffee is also quite easy, although I used to drink several cups a day. Consequently improved face/neck skin - much healthier and fresher!

League / verified

Relieves symptoms of constipation, gas and bloating

Reduces wrinkles, fine lines and improves skin health

Improves intestinal health and promotes regeneration of intestinal mucosa

Helps get rid of sugar demand, colored drinks, etc.

Customer Reviews

Based on 176 reviews
Diāna Zariņa

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